
阿狗ai 足球 2010 次浏览 评论已关闭

这就是英超,这就是足球!最初,人们认为曼彻斯特城很容易在最后一轮比赛中击败维拉以赢得杯赛,但杰拉德(Gerrard)的反冲突战术是非常有针对性的。直到落后2球的情况下,曼城才真正放开进攻。虽然这次复出的成绩不如10年前。极限……2022年5月13日,阿提哈德球场,曼城传奇阿奎罗的雕像揭幕。 9320此时已永久固定。作为球队的顶级传奇射手,阿奎罗永远都会将目光投向这支伟大的俱乐部——蓝月军团,与曼城有着十年的依恋。在足球世界里,


【9320奇迹!阿奎罗压哨绝杀帮助曼城夺得首个英超冠军】11/12赛季英超最后一轮,@曼城足球俱乐部对阵女王公园巡游者队。阿奎罗在第93分20秒打进一记无价的压哨球。该球帮助曼城击败同城……曼城主席穆巴拉克已确认将为阿圭罗建造一座雕像。对于曼城球迷来说,阿奎罗在过去10年中的贡献将永远不会被遗忘,而他的9320奇迹总是会刻在粉丝的心中。 That was the 38th round of the 2011-12 Premier League season,

Script :9320, the craziest final game of the Premier League. The 11-12 season coincides with the 20th season of the Premier League. The two heroes of Manchester City staged a fierce championship battle. In the 36th round, Manchester City defeated Manchester United 1-0 with Kompany's header, tied with Manchester United in points, and reached the top with a goal difference advantage! The last game of the Premier League.Manchester City official website vs. former team midfielder Nigel De Jong conducted an interview, and Nigel De Jong recalled 9320. He said that when Aguero went to the opponent's penalty area, the Dutch midfielder's idea was希望阿圭罗主罚点球。奈杰尔·德容2012 年5 月13 日,201.


If the game is lost with a score of 0-2, then Manchester City will naturally miss the Premier League championship this season, because the final result of the game between Liverpool and Wolves is 3-1! Manchester City failed to score 1 point, but if Liverpool scored 3 points, then Liverpool will overtake Manchester City by 1 point and counterattack. It is the first time in 17 years that the Premier League came back from two goals behind to win. Such a championship, such a plot, it is difficult not to believe it This is fate's arrangement, to pay tribute to the classic that cannot be replicated.传奇已经结束,雕像刚刚竖起。从9320到8047,一次轮回,一次新的……

Fake fans' make-up notes 1: 9320: refers to Manchester City's home and away double defeat of Manchester City's arch-rival Manchester United in the 2012 Premier League season.在第37轮比赛之后,两支球队都得到86分。上一轮,曼联轻松击败桑德兰。这个时候,曼城必须要赢下女王……到2012年5月13日,它已经成为曼城不可或缺的一部分。 Aguero, just like his debut, has reached a critical moment when he must stand up for the team.比赛已经进入补时,但比分依然是1:2,曼城落后。如果.